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Cassava is a tropical root crop, originally from Amazonia, that provides the staple food of an estimated 800 million people worldwide.

Eget luctus ante. Quis tellus ullamcorper massa erat, rhoncus est enim nascetur. Elit rutrum. Blandit vestibuluma.

Chili peppers have always been part of Ghana’s agriculture and diet. Chili peppers require sunny, semi-tropic or tropical conditions and annual rainfall of between 600mm and 1,250mm.

Fish feed manufacturing involves the processing of mixtures of ingredients and feed additives into a usable form.

Livestock is vital to the economies of many developing countries. Animals are a source of food, more specifically protein for human diets, income, employment and possibly foreign exchange.

We provide advisory services on a range of crop and livestock production to farmers or farm owners. Farmers especially in the rural areas are offered free services.